Friday, June 29, 2007

Week 4, Things 8 & 9

I've had a great time with the RSS feeds. It was very confusing at first took awhile to "get it".I think I am now there, where ever that is. I subscribed to some library feeds and some news sources that I check on a regular basis. I also found a blog about polymer clay that looks very interesting. Now we'll see if this is going to make my life easier.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

There are lots of ways libraries can reach out to their customers using RSS feeds. Have you looked at Hennepin County Library's catalog? They're doing some cool things with RSS there. At ALA I also heard of a library who put a RSS feed on their library home page of all the books that were being returned. Apparently customers were fascinated by it - kind of like watching the carts of returned books at a branch!