Friday, June 29, 2007

Week 4, Things 8 & 9

I've had a great time with the RSS feeds. It was very confusing at first took awhile to "get it".I think I am now there, where ever that is. I subscribed to some library feeds and some news sources that I check on a regular basis. I also found a blog about polymer clay that looks very interesting. Now we'll see if this is going to make my life easier.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Gotta love the flingos.
Here I've used a 3rd party app. to
make a postage stamp. The pic
was found on flickr. Notice the postage is still 39 cents in this image.
This was fun to do.

lego of my trading card week 3 thing 6

What I find in lagoons.

Here I am in thing#6 coming in with my trading card. This wasn't hard to do at all. I tried to muck around with the font and color of type but I couldn't find a way change it. No problem. I'm going back to the 3rd party sites to see what other trouble I can get into.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Fred & Ginger

Originally uploaded by mueredecine

Of course where would Fred be without Ginger?
And she had to do the same things Fred did but backwards
and in high heels. This photo is from the film Top Hat. How elegant.

Fred Astaire

Fred Astaire
Originally uploaded by {bela}

Ah Fred Astaire! He could add class to reading the yellow pages. He made it look sooo easy.

Angel fish week 3 thing 5

Angel fish
Originally uploaded by o0xsophx0o

I used to raise angel fish. This fish looks a bit like the ones I raised.
Pretty white with the red marking by the gills. They are not very nice
fish and can be very territorial. I had a male angel that was really
nasty to the females. They had to be separated. Overall it was a remarkable experience to breed these fish. So much for life in the fishbowl. This is thing 5 and it's taken me more time than I anticipated. The technology seemed to conspire against me. (I'm not paranoid)
However, I will revel in this accomplishment.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lifelong learning

The biggest challenge for this program is finding the time to devote to this. The 2nd biggest challenge for me is to keep up with the technology, because I don't devote enough the time to it. I am so happy that we are able to participate in this program, giving me a structure to learn the things I'm interested in - Play with the technology. How much fun is that?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

And away we go... week 2, thing 3 &4

This is my first post. Making the time to do this will be the biggest challenge.