Back tracking a bit. A post about anything technology related. I don't have the time or desire to utilize all of the things that I am learning, however, I'm enjoying leaning about it all. 7 years ago I received a gift of a digital camera and went kicking and screaming into the digital arena. I think back to almost 20 years ago when I was working for an organization that was trying to get it's members logged into the Usenet, which was what the internet evolved from and before it became the world wide web. I had to find universities, in the member's city, who would be willing to provide an account for the person to dial into. I was working from home and it was all very "brave new worldish". Times have sure changed quickly. That is the bottom line. Change is quick and if you want to keep up you need to, well..., keep up with it. It is impossible to stay current with all the new technology. Picking and choosing what I want to learn in greater depth seems to work for me.